Hey there readers!!
Here's the next installment of testimonies from the Gals who went for the Fight for Christ (54C) Conference in Malacca!
This time the testimony is from Phoebe from our Form 3 group (L.A.H.P.I.G's) in youth. Enjoy Reading:-

Good morning Church, I am glad I have the opportunity to share my testimony on the HAPPENINGS and the IMPACT it left in me while attending a 4 days conference known as FIGHT FOR CHRIST in Melaka with a group of 6 other girls and with another 600 christians from various states and countries such as Indonesia, Singapore as well as China.
During that 4 days of conference together with our main speaker which Is Ps. Jay Koopman, I daresay I learnt a lot and it was really a life changing and mind blowing experience that left me being on fire for God, to do God’s work and to Fight a spiritual battle for him.
On the first night of the conference, what struck me was that with the prayer and cries for revival that has been going on for a long period of time, especially with visions that revival in Malaysia will start from the EAST, it all REALLY begins in us first. Ps. Jay mentioned that the world can only be changed if we ourselves changed first.
Throughout the whole conference, Ps Jay’s words broke a part of me by the end of every session. Before each session started, inside me there is this bad feeling as if something is going to happen and it wasn’t avoidable. From the process of confessing my sins during the 1st session, forgiving the ones that has hurt me before and leaving all the past behind on the 2nd session to the receiving of inner healing from God at the 3rd session, I was broken to the extend within just 2 days. While it happened, at that similar time I was taught bout fighting for Christ.
Often during breaks, I find myself being lost in thought, spending most of my time alone trying to understand what has just happened despite being known as the Talkative and hyper one among the group which wasn’t what I turned out to be over there. I never knew I had so many unresolved issues regarding life that affected me and stopped me from doing God’s work.
I realized that Life as a Christian isn’t just about knowing God’s word and to feel secured in God’s protection. It’s just plain selfish to live in the comfort zone and not doing anything to share this privilege with others. Sharing Christ to others is never an easy thing, but it has got to start somewhere. I am not the nicest and the holiest girl, nor am I a girl that most people expect me to be as a Christian. As proof, you can ask my parents how my character and personality is. In school, I mix with various kinds of people, both good and bad. With that, I often am judged because of it. But God has showed me that this is an opportunity for me to reach out to the others as right now, I have the first taste of how the world is and having to experience some of if myself before I get to understand how the world is and it gives me a clearer view of things.
Slowly throughout the conference, God revealed me his purpose of having me going through situations that I had trouble dealing with, exposing me to various issues of the world and having me understanding them. It wasn’t at all a nice experience but now that the picture is clearer, I am glad that I went through all of those.
On the final night of the Conference, it was the Night of anointment where we will receive God’s power and the authority. After the whole process of being broken and healed by God, I wanted to receive this power so much. As Ps Jay went around touching everyone, He kept asking us to pray and to not open our eyes. With much faith, I prayed at the top of my voice together with other youths. Being among the group of youths that was at the back, it took a longer time for Ps Jay to reach us. But the moment Ps Jay approached us with just a light touch, I went down to the floor. Trembling and still praying. After getting up, Ps Jay asked us all to hold hands with the person next to us and to form a chain from the front to the back. As I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt something strong that shock me and made me open up my eyes, just in time to see the people in front falling to the ground like dominoes. And in less than a few seconds, I went down as well but it only happened to half of the crowd.
Why am I elaborating so much on this? Its how powerful God’s fire was that night and how much it impacted me and all those youth there. The whole process was great as it left me on fire for God, questioning myself and God about what I could do back home and the list goes on.
I am glad that my parents let me attend this conference thou I am having my PMR examination this year and to willingly pay for all the expenses. On this trip, not only was I changed by God but I had a special time bonding together with the rest of the group which many I have never known to be such awesome people who are different in their own ways. Sarah herself was really one great leader/friend/mother to us and knowing we are one crazy bunch to handle, she persevered to the very end.
Well, before I end, I would greatly and sincerely encourage more youths to attend this conference in the years to come as it really changed my life. God bless and Thank You.
Such wonderful testimony of God's work from our young people!!
Phoebe, the Blogteam would like to thank you lots for allowing us to share your story with the world!
Alright, that's all for now!
God Bless,
Signing off,
A really encouraging testimony, Phoebe
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